Friday, July 18, 2008


I was starting to wonder if my entrance into all these "freebies"was going to pay off and it finally has! I got two shampoo samples, pads and tampons, splenda, face lotion for my husband, about $40 in coupons and a free Rinaldi spagetti sauce coupon. Hmmm now where are those cereal reabates? 4-6 weeks seems like a long time! :)

I found a website that has all three printable coupon companies on it and a way to check your grocery store and match up the coupons. I wish I would have started collecting coupons sooner. I had to fill out a survey. Maybe there was a way around that but I don't know. They post up freebies and you can look up all kinds of goodies. Check it out! :)

It has been so hot here lately so here is a B1G1 free coupon from Jamba Juice!

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