Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Are you thirsty?

I went to HEB and used some of those $2 off coupons for produce, milk, and bread if you bought Kelloggs items. I have a lot of Kelloggs coupons. I saved $15 there. And then I took a deep breath and went to Walmart. I went over the rules with the kids before we went in and they did good. I saved $30. I got a lot of trial size items that I could find. Gold Bond lotion, Playtex wipes, and the Johnson Buddies soaps. Then the best deal ever was the Powerade was on sale for .60 cents and I had grabbed coupons at Wallgreens for Powerade and it was $1 off three. I bought 9 because it came out to .26 cents for each one!! They each have a coke rewards code in the cap. Yipee!! My husband drinks these kind of drinks a lot so he was happy too. I don't know if there are any more coupons at Wallgreens but it is worth checking out.

Here is a link to Pillsbury for over $20 in coupons! Just sign up and print!

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