Friday, August 15, 2008

Kraft Deal at HEB!

Thank you to one of my bloggers, I was able to snag a great deal at HEB. They have buy Kraft pudding and Kraft dressing and you get other items free. In the ALL YOU magazine they have these coupons for Kraft dressing free and Wheat thins free when you buy kraft products. (You can check out her blog at I used the coupons for milk and produce again because I had to buy some peaches for a peach cobbler and the peaches were on sale! My total before coupons: 72.42 and my coupons were $46.75 so I only paid $25.85!! The manager had to come over and do an overide for the transaction. You can do this too. The ALL YOU magazine is a Walmart for $1.77 and it is worth every penny to get three copies to save $46. My kids love the kool-aide but they won't get that all the time, it was just because they were free. ;)

I also went to Randalls on my way home from the YMCA. They had a great deal on Kelloggs cereal...$1.50 per box and I have a coupons for $1 off two. Anytime cereal is $1 a box, it is a great deal. I also got some trial samples of Advil so I could use the $1 coupons that I had which were going to expire.(Did I say they were FREE?) I saved $20 there. They have a buy one get one free eggs so I got that deal too. My kids love egg salad sandwiches.

Here are some findings today:
Sign up for boxtops4eduction AND get coupons plus money for your school
New Clean and Clear Products coupon, save $3 off two
Papa Murphy's $5 off Family size pizza
Don't forget to check your local for more printables

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